Tuesday, October 03, 2006

history 02 Drawing Conclusions

history 02 Drawing Conclusions

When I was a student, I found that any conclusion was an “if conditions/then conclusions”. There were no true conclusions without true conditions. But we could only see single event, or single object, or single aspect at one time when we observed something, how could we draw an if/then conclusion? There are many books describing the phenomenon. This phenomenon was called genius, talented, insightful, etc. I am not satisfied with such descriptions.

I found when I paid attention to more than one independent phenomena of some object at the same time, if I did repeatedly, I could draw some “if features/then conclusions”. It’s naturally. It means that there are progresses we can not know when we draw conclusions. I.e., if a normal person pays attention to more than one independent phenomena of some object repeatedly, the mind of the person can work and draw conclusions unconsciously, then the person know the conclusions given by his/her mind. Conversely, if one can not pay attention to MORE THAN ONE phenomena/features of some object AT THE SAME TIME, he/she can not draw if/then style of conclusions.

How can we illuminate this phenomenon of mind? My understanding is, that we give conditions to mind consciously, mind draw conclusions unconsciously. Why mind can draw if/then conclusions? I have no answers to this question. But I make a conjecture that, when the same features of the independent phenomena of some object being paid attention to repeatedly at the same time, and some other features being linked to some features, they can stimulate mind repeatedly, and mind gets a stronger impression/result, then it makes mind to feel there is a feature/result relationship. Conclusion is drawn.

If the conjecture is true, is it magical that Newton could find the principles of nature? No. Maybe, Newton worked hard, and his mind was a bit predominant to others’, but the process to find the principles of nature was the same as I mentioned above.


If the creative world can not part from the mapping of real world easily at the interface between them, and if there are no enough phenomena of some object in the creative world, and if the mind can not paying attention to more than one phenomena of the object at the same time, the mind can not draw any “if features/then conclusions”. It can be helpful to understand the difference between human and animals, the difference among people, the superior ones or the inferior ones.

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